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Cryo Freeze - Low Lying Ground Fog Machine Fluid - Stage and Studio Fog Juice - 55 Gallon Drum

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Product Name
Cryo Freeze - Low Lying Ground Fog Machine Fluid - Stage and Studio Fog Juice - 55 Gallon Drum
Product Description

Froggys Cyro Freeze Fog Juice is the perfect Stage & Studio Fog Fluid for Indoor & Stage Ground Effects for use in Theatrical Environments where a great fog effect is desired but the fog does not need to linger. This blend works perfect for use in the motion picture industry and is now extensively used for many other applications. This fluid is also used in low fog applications and will prevent low-lying smoke from rising too quickly when used in a fog chiller low smoke generator polar controller Mister Kool or other fog chiller application. It is also very effective for quick steam and nitrogen bursts and dissipates at just the right time. It is used by many well known production companies to create that amazing cloud of ground fog on the stage that actors and guests love alike. This product can be compared to Le Maitre Quick Dissipating Fluid Rosco Stage & Studio Fog Fluid American DJ Kool Fog CITC Low Ground Fog Fluid and Martin Heavy Fog Fluid B2 mix. We have designed the best Low Lying Ground Fog on the market and know it will be the perfect fog for your show. Cryo Freeze is the designer s choice when it comes to a very active stage in theater or ballet. This fluid creates a very dense effect that hugs the ground. Dancing on the clouds.. YES! Cryo Freeze is part of the Designer Select Series of Theatrical Effects Fluids from Froggys Fog. All Designer Select (DS) Water Based Fluids are made from lab-grade UV-Filtered de-ionized water and pharmaceutical grade chemicals each approved by the FDA. DS Fluids contain no glycerol/glycerin and all DS Fluids adhere to the strict specific gravity and density requirements of major fog and haze machine manufactures. Froggys Fog puts the best chemicals so you get the best results from your machine. You can rest assured that each of the fluids in the Designers Select line from Froggys Fog has been designed with the longevity of your fog and haze machine in mind. CryoFreeze is available in the following sizes: 1 Gallon 2.5 Gallon Square 4 x 1 Gallon Cases 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum Froggys Fog has A Fluid for Every Effect! If you are looking for for the perfect low lying stage fog the longest lasting water based fog the right haze juice for your machine a bubble juice that outperforms the rest or a snow juice that evaporates after floating for only 30 feet Froggys Fog has that and so much more. Froggys Fog also has scent additives that are compatible with any water based fog haze snow and bubble fluid. Stage and Studio Indoor Ground Effects - Theatrical Low Lying Fog Fluid Dissipates perfectly across the ground when used with fog chillers ground foggers and low fog generators with no residue or contamination No Glycerin/Glycerol Added Remains Clean Dry Odorless and Leaves Little to No Residue or Contamination Non-irritating Non-toxic and Non-flammable Designed For Use With Any Water Based Fog Machine - Optimized for machines with as little as 400 watts 100% American Made - Froggys Fog only uses De-Ionized Water and Pharmaceutical Grade Chemicals all Approved by the FDA.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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