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Fox Run 4871 Pie Pan 9 Stainless Steel Stain Scratch and Rust Resistant

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Product Name
Fox Run 4871 Pie Pan 9 Stainless Steel Stain Scratch and Rust Resistant
Product Description

Fox Run 4871 Pie Pan 9 Stainless Steel Stain Scratch and Rust Resistant. 9 inch Pie Pan: Light and Durable Discover a pie pan that s up for the task. Stainless steel bakeware is the perfect option for bakers looking for a lightweight yet durable pan. This 9 inch pie pan is stain scratch and rust resistant PLUS it transfers heat evenly! Made of lightweight but durable sleek stainless steel. Features a stain scratch and rust-resistant surface that will not warp or corrode but will preserve its elegant shine over time. Non-reactive and nonporous it has the ability to withstand extreme temperatures and heavy scrubbing. Transfers heat evenly providing your baked goods with a perfect browning. Cleans up effortlessly. Interior dimensions: 9 x 9 . Overall dimensions: 9-1/2 x 9-1/2 x 1-1/2

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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