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Dixie Heavyweight White Plastic Knives 100 Count

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Product Name
Dixie Heavyweight White Plastic Knives 100 Count
Product Description

Heavyweight cutlery is the next best thing to silverware. Spend less time cleaning and more time getting work done by choosing Dixie heavyweight utensils. No matter what your meal entails these heavyweight utensils are up to the task. Offers full-size dinner length and strong shatter-resistant and durable construction. Ideal for heavy tough-to-cut food like steak and chicken. Dixie plastic utensils are ideal for office parties luncheons and breakroom use. Coordinates with any table setting. Get the heavyweight utensils you need including these knives in white. Dixie heavyweight knives are flexible yet rigid. White knives come in a box of 100.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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