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Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics: Clinical Trials in Oncology (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics: Clinical Trials in Oncology (Hardcover)
Product Description

The third edition of the bestselling Clinical Trials in Oncology provides a concise nontechnical and thoroughly up-to-date review of methods and issues related to cancer clinical trials. The authors emphasize the importance of proper study design analysis and data management and identify the pitfalls inherent in these processes. In addition the book has been restructured to have separate chapters and expanded discussions on general clinical trials issues and issues specific to Phases I II and III. New sections cover innovations in Phase I designs randomized Phase II designs and overcoming the challenges of array data. Although this book focuses on cancer trials the same issues and concepts are important in any clinical setting. As always the authors use clear lucid prose and a multitude of real-world examples to convey the principles of successful trials without the need for a strong statistics or mathematics background. Armed with Clinical Trials in Oncology Third Edition clinicians and statisticians can avoid the many hazards that can jeopardize the success of a trial.

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March 4, 2025

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