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Mainstays Flavor Injector, Stainless Steel Needle, 30 ml Volume Capacity, Dishwasher Safe

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Product Name
Mainstays Flavor Injector, Stainless Steel Needle, 30 ml Volume Capacity, Dishwasher Safe
Product Description

The Mainstays 30 ml Volume Capacity Flavor Injector allows you to give your food a flavor boost. The injector can be used to add extra flavor to meats like turkey, chicken and pork. Injectors are the best way to get your delicious herbs and spices (or Grandma's secret recipe) deep into various food items for thoroughly flavorful experience. This food injector is simple to use and easy to clean. It can be used to easily moisten a wide variety of dishes. This will make it a useful addition to other utensils and cookware in your kitchen. This device is made from stainless steel and features a needle that can be taken off for easy cleaning. Use it to add extra sauce or broth to food. It's easy to pour something over the top of food but its an extra surprise when you fill it with something extra. Stainless Steel Needle that is removable for easy cleaning. Dishwasher safe.

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Last updated
January 30, 2025

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