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Shell Rotella T Triple Protection 15W-40 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil 1Gallon

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Product Name
Shell Rotella T Triple Protection 15W-40 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil 1Gallon
Product Description

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil Shell Rotella? T engine oil has been formulated to provide Triple Protection? technology against wear deposits and emissions. Shell Rotella? T Triple Protection oils use the latest additive technology to protect under the most serve engine conditions found in modern low emission engines. Designed to provide responsive protection that continuously adapts to your driving conditions resulting in: - Significantly improved deposit control* - Significantly improved resistance to breakdown under high temperatures* *Compared to API CI-4 Plus engine oils The exclusive low ash formulation helps protect the exhaust catalysts and particulate filters found on the latest low emission vehicles. Suitable for virtually all modern low-emission heavy-duty engines. Meets API Service CJ-4 CI-4 Plus CI-4 CH-4 CG-4 CF-4 CF/SM Meets the performance requirements of: Caterpillar ECP-3 ECF-2

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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