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Essential Facts in Geriatric Medicine (Paperback)

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Product Name
Essential Facts in Geriatric Medicine (Paperback)
Product Description

Already established in its first edition as a key text in elderly care this comprehensively revised second edition of Essential Facts in Geriatric Medicine is a vital reference for health professionals involved in providing comprehensive care to the older population. The book thoroughly explores clinical aspects as well as demographic statistical legal and ethical areas relating to health and social services used by older people. There are entirely new chapters on elder abuse alcohol and drug abuse and HIV infection control and other essential topics. With two thirds of its content either completely new or thoroughly updated this book remains an invaluable ready reference for doctors nurses and all health professionals involved in geriatrics and general medicine in hospital and community settings. It is also a vital revision text for general practitioners and clinical assistants as it reflects the syllabus framework of the Diploma in Geriatric Medicine. Geriatric medicine is complex like our patients. The authors three highly respected London clinicians have a wealth of experience in teaching and examining and it shows. Their book successfully strikes the balance between fascinating detail and core information. - from the Foreword by Finbarr Martin From reviews of the first edition This book will be of particular use to doctors but also to all those involved in the care of older people. BOOKNEWS Teeming with an impressive amount of knowledge principles and practice relating to this challenging and complex specialty. HOSPITAL DOCTOR

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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