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The Heythrop Hunt (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Heythrop Hunt (Paperback)
Product Description

Originally published in early 1900 s. A detailed and illustrated history of this famous hunt which lies in the counties of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire. Contents include: Duke of Beaufort and Philip Payne - Duke of Beaufort and Will Long - Lord Redesdales Mastership - Mr Hall and Mr. Albert Brassey s Mastership - The Hunt after the War - Oxforshire - Ramble the Second - Horn and Hound - Beaufort and Badminton - Heythrop Hounds and Country etc. Many of the earliest hunting books particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. Home Farm Books are republishing many of these classic works in affordable high quality modern editions using the original text and artwork.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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