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Brainerd 1-1/4 Capital Knob Statuary Bronze

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Product Name
Brainerd 1-1/4 Capital Knob Statuary Bronze
Product Description

The rustic Brainerd Capital Knob is 1-1/4 in size and has a Statuary Bronze finish. It offers a touch of elegance to your kitchen bathroom or bedroom. Ideal for drawers and cabinets it gives any room an instant and inexpensive makeover. The durable accent piece is manufactured from a zinc die-cast material to ensure it holds up over time. The dark color lends an extra bit of warmth to any space and it blends easily with existing home decor. The bronze cabinet knob is easy to install in just minutes. It comes complete with everything you need to upgrade the look and feel of your cabinetry.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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