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Quality Park Eco-friendly Redi-Strip Catalog Envelopes - Catalog - 9 W x 12 L- Peel & Seal - Kraft

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Product Name
Quality Park Eco-friendly Redi-Strip Catalog Envelopes - Catalog - 9 W x 12 L- Peel & Seal - Kraft
Product Description

Quality Park Eco-friendly Redi-Strip Catalog Envelopes - Catalog - 9 W x 12 L- Peel & Seal - Kraft Description: Recycled catalog envelopes with Redi-Seal closure is great for mailing storage and organizing. With the Redi-Seal closure envelopes do not require moisture to seal. Self-seal removable strip provides a clean quick seal immediately upon contact. Simply peel off the adhesive strip to create a full secure seal that won t open or tear. Self-seal peel-off strip protects the adhesive from dust for a longer shelf life. They are perfect for everyday home and business use and are designed to give contents extra protection during mailing storage and handling. Envelopes are the perfect size for holding letter-size documents photos and catalogs. Features: Product Dimensions: 9 W x 12 L Peel & Seal. Kraft Country of origin: US Brand Name: Quality Park Model No: 2088-QUA44511

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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