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Basher: ABC Kids: ABC Kids (Hardcover) by Simon Basher

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Product Name
Basher: ABC Kids: ABC Kids (Hardcover) by Simon Basher
Product Description

9780753464953. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 64. Sewn binding. Paper over boards. With dust jacket. 64 p. Contains: Illustrations color. Basher. Intended for a juvenile audience. Using creative alliteration his signature Manga-style artwork and his eye for clever design Simon Basher brings a fresh approach to reimagining the alphabet. Each spread brings a new letter a new friend and some hilariously imaginative action. From Arthur whose angry ant ate apples to Maude whose mean monkey makes marvelous milkshakes to Vera who vacuums vegetables and Zak who zaps zeppelins each page of this book begs to be turned to see what s coming next.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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