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Advancing Conflict Transformation. the Berghof Handbook II (Paperback)

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Advancing Conflict Transformation. the Berghof Handbook II (Paperback)
Product Description

Following the first volume of its Handbook for Conflict Transformation in 2004 Berghof Conflict Research (Berlin) now presents Volume II. This edition collects new insights into nonviolent ways of managing inter-group conflict and what is needed for consolidating positive peace. The Berghof Handbook reflects the state of debate from a variety of disciplines advancing discussions on the theory and practice of conflict transformation. Topics include among others: global trends in organised violence the role of gender relations and asymmetries in conflict third-party intervention and insider approaches human rights transitional justice and reconciliation in post-war societies. It addresses all those who are interested and active in the fields of conflict prevention and management development co-operation human rights and post-war peacebuilding. The Handbook is designed for practitioners and scholars who seek ideas and information for their own work and wish to draw on the wealth of experience gathered by colleagues in a wide range of regions and contexts. The Handbook is further intended to inform experts in politics journalists teachers and students.

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March 7, 2025

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