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Rubie s Elegant Witch Girl s Halloween Fancy-Dress Costume for Child Toddler S

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Product Name
Rubie s Elegant Witch Girl s Halloween Fancy-Dress Costume for Child Toddler S
Product Description

Rubie s Little ones can be spooky and beautiful during the Halloween season with the Elegant Witch Toddler Halloween Costume. A little girl may put a spell out or make a brew in their cauldron with inspiration from this adorable and pretty apparel. The elegant witch toddler costume includes the dress and hat so there s just about everything needed to look like the famous characters from movies and television. Pair these pieces with some pointy shoes and fun makeup (shoes and makeup not included) to truly get into the spirit. This elegant witch costume is full of detail and sparkles so she can feel almost as much like a princess as a witch. The pieces are comfortable and easy to move in so the little girl can play and be active as she normally would be while wearing it. It s available in a range of sizes to best suit the child.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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