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Anthem Press India: Taiwan Today (Hardcover)

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Anthem Press India: Taiwan Today (Hardcover)
Product Description

The 1980s economic boom in East Asia drew the world s attention towards Taiwan. The Four East Asian Tigers - South Korea Singapore Hong Kong and Taiwan - hardly appeared as developing areas as they achieved phenomenal success in their growth-oriented strategies and effectively advanced the standard of living of their people. Taiwan s outstanding economic performance was noticed and appreciated by both the government and non-government circles in India. East Asia today is undoubtedly the most dynamic region of the world in terms of economic growth and development. India s Look East Policy formed in the mid-1990s has widened the arena for a multidimensional relationship with the greater East Asian region. India-Taiwan economic relations have been growing and the setting up of economic and cultural centres has promoted people-to-people contacts. Cultural and educational ties between the two nations are also increasing. This book is inspired by a conference titled Taiwan Today organized by the Department of East Asian Studies University of Delhi. The Department of East Asian Studies is one of the few academic centres where all the entities in the East Asian region are studied and researched. This book will be very useful for those interested or engaged in research on East Asia.

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March 4, 2025

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