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Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications: 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing ICIC 2010 Changsha China August 18-21 2010 Proceedings (Paperback)

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Product Name
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications: 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing ICIC 2010 Changsha China August 18-21 2010 Proceedings (Paperback)
Product Description

The International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) was formed to provide an annual forum dedicated to the emerging and challenging topics in artificial intel- gence machine learning pattern recognition image processing bioinformatics and computational biology. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to share ideas problems and solutions related to the m- tifaceted aspects of intelligent computing. ICIC 2010 held in Changsha China August 18-21 2010 constituted the 6th - ternational Conference on Intelligent Computing. It built upon the success of ICIC 2009 ICIC 2008 ICIC 2007 ICIC 2006 and ICIC 2005 that were held in Ulsan Korea Shanghai Qingdao Kunming and Hefei China respectively. This year the conference concentrated mainly on the theories and methodologies as well as the emerging applications of intelligent computing. Its aim was to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications. Therefore the theme for this conference was Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications . Papers focusing on this theme were solicited addressing theories methodologies and applications in science and technology.

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