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Forests Trees and Human Health (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Forests Trees and Human Health (Hardcover)
Product Description

The link between modern lifestyles and increasing levels of chronic heart disease obesity stress and poor mental health is a concern across the world. The cost of dealing with these conditions places a large burden on national public health budgets so that policymakers are increasingly looking at prevention as a cost-effective alternative to medical treatment. Attention is turning towards interactions between the environment and lifestyles. Exploring the relationships between health natural environments in general and forests in particular this groundbreaking book is the outcome of the European Union s COST Action E39 Forests Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing and draws together work carried out over four years by scientists from 25 countries working in the fields of forestry health environment and social sciences. While the focus is primarily on health priorities defined within Europe this volume explicitly draws also on research from North America.

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March 4, 2025

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