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Nix Two Sided Metal Comb

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Product Name
Nix Two Sided Metal Comb
Product Description

Handle keeps fingers away from lice. Wide tooth side removes snarls and tangles. Smaller tooth side removes lice and their eggs. Use the smaller tooth side of the comb on damp, clean and tangle free hair and begin the comb-out to remove eggs, starting from the roots. Follow these steps for effective removal of eggs and nits: After shampooing and treating with Nix Cr me Rinse remove tangles from damp hair with wide-tooth side of comb. Apply Nix Gel to facilitate comb out and keep hair damp. Making sure hair is still damp, part the hair into four sections. Work on one section at a time. If hair begins to dry out while working on it, dampen again. Take one section, hold out and get teeth of the smaller-tooth side of the comb as close as possible to the scalp. Comb with a firm, even motion away from the scalp to the end of the hair. Clean the comb frequently as you work on the hair. Wipe the eggs and nits from the comb with a tissue and discard in a plastic bag to prevent the lice from recurring. Pin finished sections back to avoid recontamination from remaining eggs. After combing, recheck the entire head for nits and repeat combing if necessary. Check the affected head daily to remove any eggs and nits you may have missed.

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Last updated
January 14, 2025

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