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Loreal Loreal Root Rescue Permanent Hair Color 1 ea

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Product Name
Loreal Loreal Root Rescue Permanent Hair Color 1 ea
Product Description

Important: Store between 50 and 80 degrees f. Hair color can cause an allergic reaction which in certain rare cases can be severe. Therefore you must follow these precautions: Do not use if you have already had a reaction to a hair color product you have a sensitive itchy or damaged scalp. If you have a tattoo the risks of an allergic reaction may be increased. Perform a skin allergy test 48 hours before each use of this product (see insert). Avoid contact with this product with the eyes and skin. If the product gets into the eyes rinse immediately. Wear gloves provided in the kit. Thoroughly rinse hair after application. Do not use over compound henna or progressive color. Wait at least 14 days after bleaching perming or relaxing before coloring. Keep products out of the reach of children. Do not apply to children. This product contains ingredients that may cause skin irritation in certain individuals and a preliminary test according to accompanying directions should first be made.

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Last updated
February 7, 2025

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