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Case Cutlery CAS-27601 2016N Collectors Club 35th Anniversary High Polished Chrome Lighter

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Product Name
Case Cutlery CAS-27601 2016N Collectors Club 35th Anniversary High Polished Chrome Lighter
Product Description

W.R. Case & Sons Collectors Club 35th Anniversary HP Chrome Lighter Model #: 27601 Specification & Features Condition: NEW Finish: High Polish Chrome ABOUT CASE.... W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company is an American manufacturer of premium hand-crafted knives that are passed down for generations. Based in Bradford Pennsylvania Case’s offerings cover a wide range of product categories from traditional folding pocket knives and fixed blade sporting knives to limited production commemorative and collectables. The company’s rich history began in 1889 when four brothers - William Russell (W.R.) Jean John and Andrew Case (a.k.a. “The Case Brothers”) began fashioning knives and selling them along a wagon trail in upstate New York. W.R.’s son John Russell (Russ) Case a former salesman for the Case Brothers brand launched W.R. Case & Sons around the turn of the 20th century. Russ’s father acted as his son’s consultant helping to stabilize the company’s early finances while building a reputation as a dependable supplier of high-quality cutlery. Today Case is owned by Zippo Manufacturing Company makers of the world famous Zippo windproof lighter another family-owned business based in Bradford. The company’s original knife concepts and manufacturing methods have been recognized with awards and features from major print publications international trade organizations and events broadcast television shows and major motion pictures. Bonus: PayPal buyers get complimentary access to belote s weekly newsletter.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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