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CARRIER-10 - Laminating Pouch Carrier - 9 5/8in x 15 1/8in for A4 Legal and Looseleaf Sizes - 1/Pk

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Product Name
CARRIER-10 - Laminating Pouch Carrier - 9 5/8in x 15 1/8in for A4 Legal and Looseleaf Sizes - 1/Pk
Product Description

Carrier sheets from Lamination Depot are made from coated cardstock that is folded in half and opens like a book. Carrier sheets protect laminating pouches from scratches during the lamination process and prevent any excess adhesive that may ooze from the edge of laminating pouch from sticking to the rollers (which leads to uneven and poor quality laminating). They also prevent pouches from wrapping around the rollers during lamination. Note: Not all pouch laminators require the use of a carrier sheet. Please refer the the owner s manual for your laminating machine for specific information. Quantity: 1 carrier sheet

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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