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5 378 Tips for a Better Life Hotter Sex Fresher Breath Thicker Hair Thinner Thighs and Cleaner (Paperback) by Linda Cullen

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5 378 Tips for a Better Life Hotter Sex Fresher Breath Thicker Hair Thinner Thighs and Cleaner (Paperback) by Linda Cullen
Product Description

9781440123429. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 156. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 156 p. Linda Cullen one of Canada s funniest women gives you the best of her weekly columns. Here s what some of her many devoted readers have said; I pick up the 24Hrs every day on my way to work and I gotta are hilarious (Although I m sure you are told that all the time)! I m a fan! All the Best Alex I have been meaning to email you ever since I started reading 24 Hours as you are so hilarious. No matter what kind of a crappy day it is after reading your column I feel 100% better. Tracy This email is long overdue - I m a huge fan of yours...absolutely love reading your articles - missing them on Wednesdays is not an option. Based on the truth but mixed with humour. I suddenly realized I m not the only one who enjoys reading your articles - traveling home on the bus this PM I sat next to a lady who started reading your column today The Duck Whisperer - well this woman was laughing so loud that tears were beginning to roll down her face...she had to stop reading to compose herself. I smiled and turned to her and said Her columns are great aren t they? She simply nodded her head wiped her tears and continued reading. Keep them coming Linda...they re greatttt! Diane

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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