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Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics Part I: 8th International Conference Ppam 2009 Wroclaw Poland September 13-16 2009 (Paperback)

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Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics Part I: 8th International Conference Ppam 2009 Wroclaw Poland September 13-16 2009 (Paperback)
Product Description

Wearepleasedtopresenttheproceedingsofthe8thInternationalConferenceon Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM 2009 which was held in Wroc law Poland September 13 16 2009. It was organized by the Department ofComputer andInformationSciencesof theCzestochowaUniversity ofTechno- logy withthehelpoftheWroc lawUniversityofTechnology FacultyofComputer Science and Management. The main organizer was Roman Wyrzykowski. PPAM is a biennial conference. Seven previous events have been held in di?erentplacesinPolandsince1994.Theproceedingsofthelastfourconferences havebeenpublishedbySpringerintheLectureNotes in Computer Science series (Nal ecz ow 2001 vol.2328;Czestochowa 2003 vol.3019;Poznan 2005 vol.3911; Gdan sk 2007 vol. 4967). The PPAM conferences have become an international forum for exchanging ideasbetweenresearchersinvolvedinparallelanddistributedcomputing incl- ing theory and applications as well as applied and computational mathematics. The focus of PPAM 2009 was on models algorithms and software tools which facilitate e?cient and convenient utilization of modern parallel and distributed computing architectures as well as on large-scale applications. Thismeeting gatheredmorethan210participantsfrom 32countries.A strict refereeing process resulted in the acceptance of 129 contributed presentations while approximately46% of the submissionswere rejected. Regular tracksof the conference covered such important ?elds of parallel/distributed/grid computing and applied mathematics as: Parallel/distributed architectures and mobile computing Numerical algorithms and parallel numerics Parallel and distributed non-numerical algorithms Tools and environments for parallel/distributed/grid computing Applications of parallel/distributed computing Applied mathematics and neural networks Plenary and Invited Speakers The plenary and invited talks were presented by: Srinivas Aluru from the Iowa State University (USA) Dominik Behr from AMD (USA) Ewa Deelman from the University of Southern California (USA) Jack Dongarra from the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National

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