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Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology: Fishers and Scientists in Modern Turkey: The Management of Natural Resources Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast (Paperback)

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Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology: Fishers and Scientists in Modern Turkey: The Management of Natural Resources Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast (Paperback)
Product Description

...[in this] well written book Knudsen delivers an intriguing study about the meaning of the fish the fishing activity as a way of life and the culture of the fishermen. His ability to explain the culture and the life and hard work of Turkish fishers is outstanding. - Environmental History Through the ethnography and history of fish production seafood consumption state modernizing policies and marine science this book analyzes the role of local knowledge in the management of marine resources on the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey. Fishing science and other ways of knowing and relating to fish and the sea are analyzed as particular ways of life conditioned by history ideology and daily practice. The approach adopted here allows for a broader analysis of the role knowledge plays in the management of common pool resources (CPR) than is provided in much of the contemporary CPR debate that tends to have a somewhat narrow focus on institutions and rules. By contrast the author argues that also local knowledge and the larger historical and ideological context of production as manifest in state modernization policies and consumption patterns should be taken into account when trying to explain the current management regime in Turkish Black Sea fisheries. Ståle Knudsen is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology University of Bergen. He has spent extended periods doing fieldwork among Turkish Black Sea fishers. He is currently leading a working group on the Black Sea as part of an EU-funded project entitled Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe s Seas .

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March 4, 2025

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