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Black Hills Honey Farm USA Moisturizing Balm with Tea Tree & Sage 4oz

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Product Name
Black Hills Honey Farm USA Moisturizing Balm with Tea Tree & Sage 4oz
Product Description

Located in Spearfish South Dakota Black Hills Honey Farm has been beekeeping and manufacturing natural products From The Hive since 2001. Black Hills Honey Farm s apiculture standards are developed with the primary focus on the health of honey bees and the sustainability of beekeeping. They seek to define the best practices for natural beekeeping with these priorities as guides with the secondary focus on the agricultural products of apiculture (honey pollen and propolis). All products are 100% Natural and NEVER contain synthetic fragrances isopropyl alcohol benzene mineral oil sodium lareth sulfate propylene glycol or aluminum. Moisturizing Balm is a natural bee balm of tea tree & sage and works great on weathered hands. This natural remedy contains comfrey root and rosemary essential oil which relieves tired muscles and joints. Proplis the most medicinal beehive product and aloe vera oil is added to help treat eczema psoriasis and other skin disorders. Propolis is antibacterial and antifungal aids in wound healing ulcers tissue regeneration and reduces inflammation. Aloe vera oil is a renowned skin soother. Patchouli is considered to be one of the best essential oils for rough cracked skin while the honey is antibacterial and is a good all-purpose skin conditioner. 4oz balm Made in the USA.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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