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Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Hardcover)
Product Description

Research has shown that the therapeutic alliance is a key factor in the success of treatment and a critical component of establishing this alliance is the communication between therapist and client. The efficacy of treatment depends on the therapist s ability to collect reliable client information and create the foundation for a good relationship that involves the client in the healing process. Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provides an overview of the research and theory underlying the importance of therapeutic communication with a specific focus on cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. It brings together an international group of experts from the relevant disciplines of communication psychotherapy research and teaching to create an integrated perspective of this crucial area. The book offers a review of the main evidence-based theories and is highlighted with specific examples and flow charts.Insight for trainers is given by providing learner-centered teaching methods that enhance the acquisition of these communication skills. For researchers it offers both qualitative and quantitative analyses of the subject as well as a comprehensive review of the main analysis methods adopted in the field.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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