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Dot-Dash to How Modern Telecommunications Evolved from the Telegraph to the Internet (Paperback)

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Dot-Dash to How Modern Telecommunications Evolved from the Telegraph to the Internet (Paperback)
Product Description

Telecommunications is a major global industry and this unique book chronicles the development of this complex technology from the electric telegraph to the Internet in a simple accessible and entertaining way. The book opens with the early years of the electric telegraph. The reader will learn how the Morse telegraph evolved into an international network that spanned the globe starting with the development of international undersea cables and the heroic attempts to lay a trans-Atlantic cable. The book describes the events that led to the invention of the telephone and the subsequent disputes over who had really invented it. It takes a look at some of the most important applications that have appeared on the Internet the mobile revolution and ends with a discussion of future key developments in the telecommunications industry.

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March 4, 2025

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