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Keep Choosing Keep Living: Three Cousins Invite You To a Conversation About Coming of Older Age (Paperback)

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Keep Choosing Keep Living: Three Cousins Invite You To a Conversation About Coming of Older Age (Paperback)
Product Description

Boomers join these conversations for choices on growing older your way. The 76 million baby boomers who once could not imagine life beyond age thirty now find themselves not only crossing the threshold of mid-life but continuing to get older. For this youthful active generation the reality of aging can be a profound-and rude-rite of passage as confusing as the transition from adolescence to adulthood and one for which society provides few tools. In Keep Choosing Keep Living three cousins invite readers to engage in a compelling conversation about what it means to come of older age in America and to consider the real choices they can make to shape their lives. Law professor Marilyn O Leary business consultant Sylvia Gaffney and banker Jeanine Catalano are thoughtful successful professional women-experienced speakers writers and leaders who have it all in terms of cultural expectation: close-knit families and successful and satisfying careers. Yet at mid-life and beyond each found herself pondering the realities of aging. They invite you to join in personal conversations about how the choices we make as we age determine what coming of older age will be like for us.

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March 4, 2025

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