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Pre-Owned The Murphy s Story: The History of Lady s Well Brewery Cork (Hardcover) by Diarmuid O Drisceoil Donal O Drisceoil Diarmuid O Drisceoll

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Pre-Owned The Murphy s Story: The History of Lady s Well Brewery Cork (Hardcover) by Diarmuid O Drisceoil Donal O Drisceoil Diarmuid O Drisceoll
Product Description

9780953143108. Pre-owned: Good condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 164. Sewn binding. Cloth over boards. 164 p. This is a history of an Irish brewery as well as a family sage and a social and cultural account spanning two centuries. The Murphy family who founded Lady s Well Brewery was one of Ireland s original merchant prince families and made its fortune in the importing tanning distilling and brewing industries. The story of the brewery its stout and its people gives insights into the economy society and culture of Ireland in the 19th and 20 centuries. The backdrop is provided by major events such as the Great Irish Famine two World Wars the War of Independence and the Civil War. The story is people by characters such as: John Murphy The Black Eagle of the North ; James J. Murphy who headed the brewery for its first 40 years and was also a significant figure in Irish banking; and Eugene Sandow the strongman who endorsed Murphy s stout and gave it its most enduring image. Donal O. Drisceoil is the author of Censorship in Ireland 1939-1945 and Neutrality Politics and Society .

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March 4, 2025

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