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Energy in the 21st Century (2nd Edition) (Paperback)

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Energy in the 21st Century (2nd Edition) (Paperback)
Product Description

Energy may be the most important factor that will influence the shape of society in the 21st century. The cost and availability of energy significantly impacts our quality of life the health of national economies the relationships between nations and the stability of our environment. What kind of energy do we want to use in our future? Will there be enough? What will be the consequences of our decisions? Everyone has a stake in the answers to these questions and the decisions that are being made to provide energy.Energy in the 21st Century in its second edition examines the energy sources that play a vital role in society today as well as those that may be the primary energy sources of tomorrow. From our reliance on fossil fuels to the quest for energy independence and the environmental issues that follow each decision this book delves into the most prominent energy issues of our time. Armed with this information the reader can think critically about the direction they want this world to take.

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March 4, 2025

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