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Drivers Help Yourself : Against Repetitive Injuries (Paperback)

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Product Name
Drivers Help Yourself : Against Repetitive Injuries (Paperback)
Product Description

Do you drive for a living? Do you have regular pain in your lower back your shoulders or your neck? Well did you know that you don t have to live with these small niggling but constant physical pain? The pain you are feeling is because you are overusing your soft tissues (muscle ligament tendons...) of some part of your body due to the physical requirement of your job. This problem can be addressed by the use of exercise specifically stretching and strengthening the part of your body you are overusing. I have designed an exercise program you can do at home that should take around 30 minutes in the morning or evening to help give your body the physical balance you need to do your daily job free of pain. You do not need any equipment to complete these exercises. They are designed to be simple and affective. Give it a try.

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March 4, 2025

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