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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Topics in Cryptology - Ct-Rsa 2010: The 10th Cryptographers Track at the Rsa Conference 2010 San Francisco Ca Usa March 1-5 2010. Proceedings (Paperback)

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Product Name
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Topics in Cryptology - Ct-Rsa 2010: The 10th Cryptographers Track at the Rsa Conference 2010 San Francisco Ca Usa March 1-5 2010. Proceedings (Paperback)
Product Description

The RSA Conference is an annual event that attracts hundreds of vendors and thousands of participants from industry and academia. Since 2001 the conf- ence has included an academic Cryptographers Track (CT-RSA). This year was the 10th anniversary of CT-RSA. Since its conception the CT-RSA conference has become a major avenue for publishing high-quality research papers. The RSA conference was held in San Francisco California during March 1-5 2010. This year we received94 submissions. Eachpaper gotassignedto three ref- ees. Papers submitted by the members of the Program Committee got assigned to?vereferees.Inthe?rststageofthereviewprocess thesubmittedpaperswere read and evaluated by the ProgramCommittee members and then in the second stage the papers were scrutinized during an extensive discussion. Finally the Program Committee chose 25 papers to be included in the conference program. The authors of the accepted papers had two weeks for revision and preparation of ?nal versions.The revised papers were not subject to editorial review and the authors bear full responsibility for their contents. The submission and review process was supported by the iChair conference submission server. We thank Matthiew Finiasz and Thomas Baign` eres for letting us use iChair. The conf- ence proceedings were published by Springer in this volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

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