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Electronics Handbook Power Vacuum Tubes Handbook Book 10 (Hardcover)

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Electronics Handbook Power Vacuum Tubes Handbook Book 10 (Hardcover)
Product Description

Providing examples of applications Power Vacuum Tubes Handbook Third Edition examines the underlying technology of each type of power vacuum tube device in common use today. The author presents basic principles reports on new development efforts and discusses implementation and maintenance considerations. Supporting mathematical equations and extensive technical illustrations and schematic diagrams help readers understand the material. Translate Principles into Specific Applications This one-stop reference is a hands-on guide for engineering personnel involved in the design specification installation and maintenance of high-power equipment utilizing vacuum tubes. It offers a comprehensive look at the important area of high-frequency/high-power applications of microwave power devices making it possible for general principles to be translated into specific applications. Coverage includes power grid tubes-triodes tetrodes and pentodes-as well as microwave power tubes such as klystrons traveling wave tubes gyrotrons and other high-frequency devices. These vacuum tubes are used in applications from radio broadcasting to television radar satellite communications and more. Explore a Wide Variety of Methods in Power Vacuum Tube Design This third edition includes updates on vacuum tube technology devices applications design methods and modulation methods. It also expands its scope to cover properties of materials and RF system maintenance and troubleshooting. Explaining difficult concepts and processes clearly this handbook guides readers in the design and selection of a power vacuum tube-based system. What s New in This Edition Includes two new chapters on properties of materials and RF system maintenance and troubleshooting Contains updates and additions in most chapters Identifies key applications for commercial and scientific research Examines the frontiers of materials science directly impacting construction reliability and performance Reviews methods of power tube design for more efficient longer-lasting tubes Features updated illustrations throughout to clarify and explain fundamental principles and implementation considerations

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March 4, 2025

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