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Mead Composition Book - Sewn - 7 1/2 x 9 3/4 - Black Paper - Black Marble Cover - 12 / Carton | Bundle of 2 Cartons

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Product Name
Mead Composition Book - Sewn - 7 1/2 x 9 3/4 - Black Paper - Black Marble Cover - 12 / Carton | Bundle of 2 Cartons
Product Description

Composition book is an old favorite with college ruling that keeps notes neatly aligned. It features reference pages on the inside of both the front and back covers. The inside cover has a preprinted area to fill in a class schedule. Inside back cover features a multiplication table conversion table and grammar rules for quick reference. Sewn binding is secure and is smooth to eliminate the risk of snagging. Header of the front cover allows you to name or number each one. This is a bundle of 2 Cartons 12 per Carton

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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