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Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment Volume 2: Impact and Limitations (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment Volume 2: Impact and Limitations (Hardcover)
Product Description

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a significant anticipatory environmental management tool. International debate focuses on its enhancement to meet the challenges of sustainable development as well as demands for scientifically robust integrated and participative decision-making. This handbook hopes to improve practices by contributing an international multidisciplinary ready-reference source to this debate. Volume I addresses EIA principles process and methods. Part 1 maps the EIA process and its impact on decision. It positions EIA in the context of sustainable development and relative to other decision tools including economic valuation. It also positions strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in a similar way. Part 2 addresses the elements of the EIA process and significant impact assessment topics (air water ecological social risk landscape and visual) not only in terms of good practice but also methodological evolution. This volume concludes by addressing cumulative impact assessment and SEA methods. Volume II provides a unique consideration for EIA implementation and practice in Europe Africa the Far East South America and North America. It uses a number of project types to provide how to do guidance and addresses practice in policy and plan assessment. This book should be read by legislators decision-makers economists developers industrial managers and consultants involved in this significant field.

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March 4, 2025

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