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Fisher-Price Chatter Telephone Pull Toy Phone with Rotary Dial for Babies & Toddlers Ages 12+ Months

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Product Name
Fisher-Price Chatter Telephone Pull Toy Phone with Rotary Dial for Babies & Toddlers Ages 12+ Months
Product Description

The Fisher-Price Chatter Telephone is a classic toy that has brought joy to children since 1961. This charming pull toy features a friendly smiling face, a spinning dial, and fun ringing sounds that make playtime exciting. As toddlers pull the phone along, its eyes move up and down, adding to the playful experience. This toy encourages babies to walk and talk, helping them develop gross motor skills in a fun way. Children will enjoy pretending to call a friend, spinning the dial, and picking up or hanging up the handset. The Chatter Telephone is more than just a toy; it's a delightful companion that sparks imagination and promotes active play.

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Last updated
December 19, 2024

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