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Generations: The Time Machine in Theory and Practice (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Generations: The Time Machine in Theory and Practice (Hardcover)
Product Description

Generations: The Time Machine in Theory and Practice challenges the fragmented and diverse use of the concept of generation commonly found in the social sciences. It approaches the concept in a manner that stretches the sociological imagination away from its orientation toward the present by building the concept of the passage of time into our understanding of the social. It proposes an innovative and exciting view of the field of generations lifting it out from life course and cohort analysis and reconstituting the area with fresh and dynamic ways of seeing. With its unique intellectually innovative and sustained critical study of generational work Generations will appeal to scholars across a range of social sciences and humanities and will be of particular interest to social theorists and anthropologists as well as sociologists of social history consumption identity and culture.

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March 4, 2025

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