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Legal and Ethical Considerations for Dental Hygienists and Assistants (Paperback)

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Product Name
Legal and Ethical Considerations for Dental Hygienists and Assistants (Paperback)
Product Description

Dental hygienists and dental assistants need to be aware of current accepted legal processes related to such issues as infection control insurance malpractice liability and negligence. LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR DENTAL HYGIENISTS AND ASSISTANTS provides them with strong theoretical and philosophical information concerning the legal ethical and management dilemmas that face the entire dental health team. Real-life examples with expert commentary and follow-up questions illustrate legal situations the dental hygienist or assistant may face. a consistent format for the most effective learning. Contains a case study at the beginning of each section to draw the student into a real-life situation that the hygienist or assistant could be faced with. Provides case study questions to stimulate students interest and promote greater discussion and understanding of difficult concepts. Includes a series of responses from experts in the field providing a look at the cases through the eyes of professionals. Provides immediate clarification of vital legal terminology with Glossary terms and their definitions in the margins. Features author response to the case study and answers to case study questions at the end of each section so students can review vital information from the chapters and be sure theyve applied the information correctly to thecase study questions. Includes key words at the beginning of each chapter so students can familiarize themselves with important legal terminology. Contains learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter to highlight important concepts the students need to comprehend. Provides a comprehensive glossary for students learning vital legal terminology.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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