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Swanson Raw Prostate Glandular 150 mg 60 Capsules

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Product info

Product Name
Swanson Raw Prostate Glandular 150 mg 60 Capsules
Product Description

All of our glandular products are frozen preserve active components then desiccated (dried) powdered defatted and tested at GMP laboratories in the heartland of America. Back in the 1930s four key factors led to glandulars becoming popular throughout the supplement world: the material was abundant to produce these products the historical rationale for use and the evidence of safety were strong and their affordability made them particularly attractive. These truths remain today and because of a strong demand from you Swanson Health Products has developed a full line of glandular products including our Prostate Glandular supplement.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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