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Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly: Homelessness Prevention in Treatment of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness: Logic Models and Implementation of Eight American Projects (Hardcover)

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Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly: Homelessness Prevention in Treatment of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness: Logic Models and Implementation of Eight American Projects (Hardcover)
Product Description

Through Homelessness Prevention in Treatment of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness: Logic Models and Implementation of Eight American Projects psychiatrist psychologists and social workers will discover the results of eight three-year long development projects funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) designed to prevent homelessness in high- risk populations who have problems with alcoholism drug abuse and/or mental illness. Through this informative book you will examine the theory or logic guiding each program including an up-to-date review of the literature supporting each theory. You will also find a description of the implementation of the program as well as its history the practical issues involved in delivering services the pitfalls lessons learned and recommendations for the future so you can use the best ideas to implement in your own community and stop these individuals from reaching the streets.Homelessness Prevention in Treatment of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness provides insight into how to deal with many common issues that you are faced with every day such as matching clients to appropriate services preventing relapse case management training in independent living skills and money management acquiring and maintaining housing and benefits and employment for your disadvantaged clients. Compelling and informative this unique book provides you with many tips and suggestions on how you can help the disadvantaged in our population avoid the added trauma of becoming homeless such as: examining a new modified therapeutic community (TC) intervention program for mothers recovering from substance abuse who live with their children so you can learn to treat the family as a whole and not just treat the person with a problem gaining insight into a new intervention program for families caring for another family member with serious mental illness or substance abuse disorders so you can address such issues as the importance of respite for the family and home visits for relationship building among the entire household discovering a new independent living model which allows clients with serious mental illnesses to select their own apartments learning about a new program in Philadelphia that offers support services to clients with serious mental illnesses and substance use disorders and provides several levels of housing from emergency shelter to highly supportive permanent housing discovering a community counseling center in Chicago that operates a bank that helps mentally ill clients or those with substance use disorders develop skills to independently manage their financial affairs through the use of vouchers that can be redeemed for cash for the payment of monthly billsHomelessness Prevention in Treatment of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness provides you with new insights into how you can help your clients overcome political economic and environmental barriers to treatment that can lead to homelessness. This essential book will help you improve your services to your clients as well as give you step-by-step guide to implement these new programs in your community.

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March 4, 2025

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