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Performing New Lives: Prison Theatre (Paperback)

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Product Name
Performing New Lives: Prison Theatre (Paperback)
Product Description

Performing New Lives draws together some of the most original and innovative programs in contemporary prison theatre. Leading prison theatre directors and practitioners discuss the prison theatre experience first-hand and offer valuable insights into its role function and implementation. A wide range of prison theatre initiatives are discussed from long-running high-profile programs such as Curt Tofteland s Shakespeare Behind Bars in LaGrange Kentucky to fledgling efforts like Jodi Jinks ArtsAloud project in Austin Texas. The book offers unique insights into the many dimensions of the prison theatre experience including: negotiating the rules and restrictions of the prison environment; establishing trust teaching performance skills and managing crises; building relationships and dealing with conflicts; and negotiating public performances and public perceptions. Excerpts of interviews with inmates and a conversation between practitioners in the final chapter reveal the impact that prison theatre programs have on the performers themselves as well as audience members and the wider community. Exploring prison theatre processes and theory with insights into how it works in practice and how to replicate it this book is essential reading for drama therapists theatre artists and prison educators as well as academics.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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