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Bill Evans Trio: The Oslo Concerts (DVD) Shanachie Music & Performance

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Product Name
Bill Evans Trio: The Oslo Concerts (DVD) Shanachie Music & Performance
Product Description

Bill Evans was one of the most distinctive and influential jazz pianists of all time with a rich legacy that remains undiminished since his untimely death in 1980. He recorded over fifty albums as a leader received thirty one Grammy nominations and has had an inescapable impact on virtually every jazz piano player of prominences who came after him. This DVD brings together two Bill Evans Trio Concerts (1996 and 1980) that have never been on the market before both featuring Evans in prime form. Bill Evans was a major side-man with Miles Davis and played and equal role with Miles in composing Kind of Blue the best selling jazz album in history. This DVD offers performances of Davis tune Nardis along with standards and trademark favorites such as Stella by Starlight Autumn Leaves Days of Wine and Roses and much more. A special bonus included on the DVD is an interview conducted after the 1980 concert where Evans discuses his music as well as the current jazz scene.

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Last updated
December 16, 2024

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