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High Octane Women : How Superachievers Can Avoid Burnout (Paperback)

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High Octane Women : How Superachievers Can Avoid Burnout (Paperback)
Product Description

Today women hold half of all management and professional positions in the United States and female business owners represent one of the fastest-growing markets in this country. In business as in many other walks of life the achievements of women are unprecedented. Unfortunately there s another perilous side to this success story. Many bright ambitious and highly driven women ultimately burn out. What causes them to give up melt down or just walk away when they seem to have it all? And more importantly what can be done to prevent it? In this authoritative well-researched book full of helpful insights and practical advice this psychologist draws on her more than fifteen years experience and expertise in stress management to explore the unique challenges that high-achieving women face including: - A drive toward perfectionism-feeling that nothing short of perfection in all aspects of life is required for success. - The increasing demands in the lives of high-achieving women. So they are often expected to do it all-handle a stressful job maintain a committed relationship bear children and assume primary responsibility for the care of home and family. - Limited or no resources or support. - Technological innovations such as BlackBerries and laptops that have made it seem as if they re on the job 24/7. To counter the negative repercussions of achieving success the author prescribes ways for high-octane women to refuel themselves. She emphasizes that women who thrive on challenges can t be asked to just slow down or enroll in a yoga class. Instead she offers creative ways for women to find balance and rediscover joy in their lives. She charts a course that will enable these accomplished women to remain actively engaged in their professional and family lives and to once again enjoy their lives more than ever.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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