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Digital Systems by Ronald J Tocci

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Product Name
Digital Systems by Ronald J Tocci
Product Description

9780135103821. New condition. Hard cover. Edition: 11. Language: English. Intended for college/higher education audience. Digital Systems 11/E presents a comprehensive and modern approach to digital electronics plus thorough preparation for advanced study of digital systems and computer and microcontroller hardware. It first introduces the basic building blocks of digital systems and the easy AHDL hardware description language. Then step by step it covers increasingly challenging topics including a detailed introduction to VHDL. For each topic clear explanations of purpose and fundamentals are provided followed by technical description methods such as truth tables algebraic expressions timing diagrams and logic symbols. This edition adds more focus on megafunctions; a complete systems project management case study; updated memory coverage; more worked examples and figures; new terminology and much more.

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Last updated
February 16, 2025

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