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John Hume and the Revision of Irish Nationalism (Hardcover)

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John Hume and the Revision of Irish Nationalism (Hardcover)
Product Description

The book explores the politics of the most important Irish nationalist leader of his generation and one of the most influential figures of twentieth-century Ireland: the Nobel Peace Prize winner John Hume. Given his central role in the reformulation of Irish nationalist ideology and the vital part which he played in drawing violent republicanism into democratic politics the book shows Hume to be one of the chief architects of the Northern Ireland peace process and a key figure in the making of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. At the same time it considers Hume s failure in what he stated to be his foremost political objective: the conciliation of the two communities in Northern Ireland. The book is essential reading for specialists on Irish history and politics but will also be of interest to academics and practitioners working in other regions of political and ethnic conflict. In addition it will appeal to readers seeking to understand the crucial role played by Hume modernising Irish nationalist thinking and bringing peace to Northern Ireland.

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March 4, 2025

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