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The Soybean (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Soybean (Hardcover)
Product Description

The soybean is a crop of global importance and is one of the most frequently cultivated crops worldwide. It is rich in oil and protein and is used for both human and animal consumption as well as for industrial purposes such as biofuels. Soybean crops also play an important role in crop diversification and benefit other crops due to its addition of nitrogen to the soil during crop rotation. With contributions written by researchers from around the world The Soybean provides a concise coverage of recent research on all aspects of this significant crop. Chapters discuss the history and importance of soybean production in agriculture followed by details of the plant s physiology and developments in breeding and genetics. The diverse cropping systems used in production are highlighted alongside crop management and protection strategies. Technology for processing and utilization soybean s nutritional value and the outlook for global marketing and trade are also addressed.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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