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Powermatic PM9-1791317K 115/230V 1-Phase 1-Horsepower 6 in. Jointer with Helical Cutterhead

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Product Name
Powermatic PM9-1791317K 115/230V 1-Phase 1-Horsepower 6 in. Jointer with Helical Cutterhead
Product Description

The 54HH Jointer features a helical cutterhead with 40 four-sided indexable carbide knife inserts which provides a superior finish and quieter operation compared to conventional cutterheads. The inserts require no adjustment once they are installed. Oversized infeed and outfeed tables are mounted on dovetailed ways. The fence is 38 in. in length with positive stops at 90 degrees; and 45 degrees right and left. The fine/quick adjustment lever on the infeed table offers quick setups with precision-controlled depth of cut. The heavy steel stand features a 1 HP motor with a non-slip V-belt drive for maximum performance. The 4 in. dust port offers easy connection to any dust collection system.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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