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Powermatic PM9-1791290 230V 25 in. 1-Phase 5-Horsepower Dual Drum Sander

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Product Name
Powermatic PM9-1791290 230V 25 in. 1-Phase 5-Horsepower Dual Drum Sander
Product Description

Finally a production class dual drum sander that is loaded with features. The DDS-225 Dual Drum Sander features a 5 HP motor for plenty of power. The dual steel drums have a hard durometer rubber coating to assure a flat mar-free finish. Independently adjustable rear drum makes fine tuning easy. A heavy cast-iron table incorporates four solid jackscrews with chain drive timing to keep it level at all times. The heavy-duty poly conveyor belt provides a positive grip on the stock. The 1/4 HP feed motor is coupled to a two-speed forward/reverse gearbox that will sand 8 and 10 surface ft. per minute. The heavy steel cabinet provides years of vibration-free sanding with plenty of storage space underneath.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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