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Morganville Vampires The Morganville Vampires (Paperback)

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Product Name
Morganville Vampires The Morganville Vampires (Paperback)
Product Description

Two of the New York Times bestselling Morganville Vampire novels-in one bloodthirsty volume. Midnight Alley Claire Danvers has pledged herself to Amelie the most powerful vampire in town. But her protection doesn t offer much comfort when people start turning up dead and an ancient bloodsucker extends a chilling invitation for private lessons in his secluded home giving a terrifying new meaning to night school ... Feast of Fools The tenuous good-neighbor policy between the vampires and humans of Morganville is turned on its head with the arrival of bad-to-the-bone Mr. Bishop. What the ancient old-school vampire wants from the town is unthinkably sinister. It s only at a formal ball that Claire realized the elaborately evil trap Bishop has set for the warm-blooded souls of Morganville.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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