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Trout Streams: Trout Streams of Northern New England: A Guide to the Best Fly-Fishing in Vermont New Hampshire and Maine (Paperback)

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Product Name
Trout Streams: Trout Streams of Northern New England: A Guide to the Best Fly-Fishing in Vermont New Hampshire and Maine (Paperback)
Product Description

Northern New England is known for its many beautiful lakes rivers and streamsand for outstanding fly-fishing. From Vermont s Battenkill to the headwaters of the mighty Connecticut in New Hampshire to the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers in Maine David Klausmeyer has investigated the far reaches of northern New England to recommend the very best fly-fishing for trout and landlocked salmon. With his years of experience as a researcher writer and editor for several national fly-fishing magazines Klausmeyer knows what to look for in a trout stream where to find the best stretches of water and avoid crowds and most importantly what every angler needs from a good guide. Features of this thoroughly researched opinionated book include descriptions of the best waters and little-known tributaries worth exploring and recommendations on local hatches and fly patterns as well as detailed access directions and listings of local fly shops. Includes local hatch charts and fly patterns. 30 black and white photographs 25 maps Index

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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