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Practical Language Testing (Paperback)

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Product Name
Practical Language Testing (Paperback)
Product Description

Practical Language Testing equips you with the skills knowledge and principles necessary to understand and construct language tests. This intensely practical book gives guidelines on the design of assessments within the classroom and provides the necessary tools to analyse and improve assessments as well as deal with alignment to externally imposed standards. Testing is situated both within the classroom and within the larger social context and readers are provided the knowledge necessary to make realistic and fair decisions about the use and implementation of tests. The book explains the normative role of large scale testing and provides alternatives that the reader can adapt to their own context. This fulfils the dual purpose of providing the reader with the knowledge they need to prepare learners for tests and the practical skills for using assessment for learning. Practical Language Testing is the ideal introduction for students of applied linguistics TESOL and modern foreign language teaching as well as practicing teachers required to design or implement language testing programmes. The book is supported by frequently updated online resources at http: // including sets of scenarios providing resources to study aviation English assessment call centre assessment military language assessment and medical language assessment. The materials can be used to structure debates and seminars with pre-reading and video activities. Practical Language Testing was commended as a 2012 runner-up of the prestigious SAGE/ILTA Award for Best Book on Language Testing.

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January 31, 2025

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